Thursday 7 May 2015

Spiral activity yang membuat baby leka :-)

Assalamualaikum semua!

Spiral activity : merah-hitam

Ape tu spiral activity? Spiral activity ni sejenis soft toys yang bole digunakan kt stroller, car seat, katil baby and also as teether utk baby gigit2. Ade rattle toys comel yg tergantung, akan buat baby anda leka dgn bunyi2 tu. Bole la mami & dadi concentrate bwk kete, shopping dgn aman or buat keje umah coz baby bole main sendiri. 

Gamba contoh, pelbagai cara bole guna spiral activity ni

Ni testimoni dari satisfied customer, dia bole concentrate driving sbb baby dia dh xmerengek dh sejak ade spiral activity ni 😍

Haa best kan spiral activity ni? Harga dia RM24, belom termasuk postage. Kalau berminat, bole whatsapp mar ye, 0134799774. Toys yg fun for babies & memudahkan parents at the same time! 😊

1 comment:

  1. Maaf ye, stock spiral activity no longer available 🙏
